With an open floor-plan, this exquisite dream bathroom provides freedom of movement. The minimalist architecture enlists high-quality materials and avoids the distractions of playful details in furnishings. Surfaces of valuable natural stone, exclusive ceramics and elegant faucets characterize the design. Innovative technology permits efficient and comfortable water enjoyment.
Do you long for an exquisite dream bathroom with a minimalist language of form? Enlist gorgeous natural stone, elegant ceramics and high-quality faucets to express your sense of style. With enough space, you can furnish your bathroom in superb style and create a consistent level of well-being with your bath tub, shower and sink. Using flat marble tiles featuring harmoniously varying surfaces gives the design a unique and minimalist look. Unobtrusive color gradients and modern decor are features of a scaled-back design that you can enjoy without distraction. With elegantly integrated, mirrored storage space, you'll have room for the things you use every day.
In this dream bathroom, a precise language of form provides the ideal backdrop for the elegant silhouette of white bathroom ceramics and gleaming chrome faucets. Whether for the sink or the bath tub: The faucets of the hansgrohe Metropol range emphasize the aesthetics of the 90-degree angle and use efficient technology to create highlights in the modern setting. In the vanishing point of the room, a spacious shower system invites you to water enjoyment in a wide range of ways.